The Shinohara 66 series brings the ultimate in press technology for printers with a work profile suiting the SRA2 format, and ensures savings in comparison to the more common B2 format.
The Shinohara 66 series has all the modern features you need to compete in the modern print marketplace including CIP integration, preset inking and much more
• 4, 5, 6, 8 or 10 colours
• Perfecting versions available
in a variety of configurations
• Medium or
high pile option
• Aqueous and UV coating options
• Drying options including IR,
UV and UV interdeck applications
• Ink temperature control option (TCPS)
• Shinohara pre and de inking software (SPIS)
• Shinohara colour control station option (SCCS) for closed loop spectral colour control
• Pre-set feeder and delivery option